K-Product | March.27.2024

The Korean Paprika Brand Embracing Nature: KOPA

Have you ever heard of Korean paprika?


Originally native to Central America,


this vegetable is now globally recognized for its freshness and quality, thanks to systematic cultivation by Korean Kopa farms, leading to significant exports worldwide.


"Shall we learn more about Kopa, which collaborates with paprika farmers?"



Overview of KOPA

Company Name: Kopa

Established: 2011

Business Areas:

✅ Production: Support for the production of high-quality paprika

✅ Selection: Selection process for premium-grade paprika

✅ Export: Expansion into new international markets 

💻 Homepage: www.kopap.net



What does the brand "KOPA" stand for?



The Kopa logo encapsulates various meanings!



The paprika logo incorporates green to symbolize freshness and high quality, red to reflect the producer's passion and effort, and yellow to represent healthy soil.



The meaning of paprika varies by country


pimento is defined in various ways across different cultures. In Europe, it refers to most kinds of sweetpimento, while in America, it is used to describe the powder made from dried pimento. In Korea, it is specifically distinguished from pimento in its specifications.🧐


pimentos are mainly green with a stronger flavor and sometimes a bitter taste, but paprika varies in color and is characterized by its sweet and crunchy taste, with a higher sweetness than pimentos. 😋


Sweet paprika is mainly eaten raw in salads or as a snack, and pimentos are used in various cooking methods such as stir-frying and grilling.



Kopa in partnership with farms


Kopa collaborates with farms in various regions to grow the finest paprika!😙


Selecting the best farms for each winter and summer growing season, Kopa ensures the cultivation of the highest quality paprika available.



Eco-Friendly Paprika Cultivation


Through GAP certification, practices encompassing cultivation, harvest, post-harvest handling, and storage, as well as the management of pesticides, heavy metals, and microorganisms, aim to minimize environmental hazards and provide consumers with safe produce.🧐

Korean paprika production prioritizes consumer safety from chemical hazards, employing eco-friendly🧑‍🌾 and organic farming methods.


The Various Types of Paprika from Kopa



✔️Bell Type


The bell type resembles piment but is larger and is characterized by its mild and fresh taste, without being bitter or spicy. It has a high water content.



✔️Mini Type


Smaller than ordinary bell type, easier to cut and to remove seeds with crisp texture and sweetness higher than fruits.😍



✔️Long Type


Sweet as fruits with soft texture, banana-shaped and are called "banana paprika" in Korea.😋



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